As we kicked off the new year with a bang, we have also found ourselves at an abrupt stand still. Due to recent community restrictions regarding Coronavirus, we will be delaying the start of our party season. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SCHEDULING A DATE WE CAN GET YOU ON THE BOOKS WITHOUT A DEPOSIT SHOULD THINGS CHANGE WE WILL HONOR YOUR DATE AS BEST WE CAN. We will continue to follow CDC guidance and state restrictions as this develops. Please know this is a very, very hard pill for us to swallow but this decision is being made for the greater good. Anyone who has already left a deposit for a party in the near future please contact Marie at barnesyardpettingzoo@gmail.com to discuss options as we near your scheduled event date. Please follow along with us on facebook as well as our blogs to stay connected to all your favorite animals and how we are fairing in this time of a global crisis.

STAY WELL, STAY EDUCATED, STAY KIND and keep in touch. We will be back after mother earth takes a sick day…or two.

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